Low, low prices on autographed books by Steve Brewer!
As we continue to shrink our household to fit into a two-bedroom beach cottage, I must empty a closet of the accumulated inventory of my own books. I've got extras of most of my 16 titles in that closet, and I'll sell them for less-than-list prices (including free shipping!). These bargains are available for a limited time (until that closet is empty).
Available paperbacks include "Lonely Street" (basis for the motion picture of the same name) and "Baby Face." Hardcovers include "Dirty Pool," "Shaky Ground," "Witchy Woman" and more. For descriptions of my books, go to http://www.stevebrewer.us.com/.
For prices and available titles in this once-in-a-lifetime closet sale, send e-mail to abqbrewer@gmail.com.
Sold out of many titles over the weekend, but I've still got copies of the ones named above, as well as a box full of the Lefty Award-nominated "Monkey Man." Hardcovers $15 and paperbacks $5 during this limited time offer!