
Madly scribbling

This week, I finished a final revision of my latest crime novel and immediately started writing the next book.

That's the way my summer has gone, jumping from one project to another while also preparing to teach a college course I've never taught before.

Not only did I finish the new novel (and all its revisions) over the past few months, I also wrote and published a hard-boiled short story called CEMETERY PLOT. It's available exclusively on Kindle (for

now). Only 99 cents. The story's gotten some nice reviews.

The latest novel -- about a hitman who discovers he has a grown son -- is one of three books included in a new deal I was offered by one of the big publishers in New York. All three books will be set in Albuquerque, but I can't say more until all the contracts are signed.

I usually take a little time off between books, but I've been champing at the bit to start on the third one in this Duke City trilogy. I outlined the novel weeks ago, but had to delay the start while I wrapped up work on other projects. Yesterday, I wrote the first few paragraphs, so I guess I'm under way.

My class begins Aug. 21 at the University of New Mexico's Honors College. This semester, I'm teaching "Funny on the Page: American Humorists and Their Times." Should be a lot of fun.

Except for that one-day-a-week class, I'll be pouring myself into the new novel. I can't wait.


Sean Patrick Reardon said...

Great news, Steve. Very happy for you on all counts!

frankz said...

The Duke City Trilogy.

I like it.